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  • Our People
| October 10, 2018

The pets (and people) of UNTHSC

By Jan Jarvis  Whether it’s a feline friend or a gregarious goat, pets play a unique role in people’s lives – including those who work at UNT Health Science Center. Here we feature people from across campus, and the...

Eye Fc
  • Research
| October 9, 2018

Promising treatment for disease that destroys eye tissue

By Jan Jarvis Ocular inflammation uveitis is a serious disease that can destroy eye tissue and cause irreversible blindness. Fortunately, blindness and eye damage can be prevented by suppressing the immune system and treating the disease with corticosteroids, said Sai...

Dana L Fc
  • Research
| October 9, 2018

First semester of college represents ‘red zone’ for student drinking

By Sally Crocker What happens in the first semester of college can profoundly impact students’ alcohol use and future drinking behaviors, especially during the first six weeks, says UNTHSC Associate Professor Dana...

Chelsea Fc
  • Our People
| October 8, 2018

I use my PT training to help my community

By Chelsea Barron, Student, Department of Physical Therapy Movement is freedom: That’s a truth I have encountered many times in life. It was true when a back injury sidelined me from my high school soccer team and I watched in agony...

Rural Fc
  • Education
| October 5, 2018

UNTHSC rural medicine students finish tops in Texas

By Alex Branch   A team of UNT Health Science Center medical students earned first place at a statewide competition that challenged them to solve rural health challenges with creative ideas. The winning students were Derek Christensen, Colleen Del Valle,...

Joon-Hak Lee, PhD
  • Research
| October 2, 2018

Recent rains increase threat of West Nile virus

By Alex Branch   The first West Nile virus death of 2018 in Tarrant County was reported Sept. 21, and a UNT Health Science Center epidemiologist warns that recent rain has caused a sudden increase in mosquito activity. An older...

Vicki Fc
  • Research
| October 1, 2018

Study: For vets, ‘mild’ TBI increases risk of early brain disease

By Jan Jarvis Army veteran R. J. Hillman was riding back to base from a 17-hour mission in Afghanistan when the blast from an IED sent shock waves radiating through his...

John Fc
  • Community
| September 28, 2018

Using DNA to better treat back pain

By Cathy Kearns   Chronic pain affects one in five adults in the United States, and high impact chronic pain that interferes with work or daily life most days affects one in 13 adults in this country. These numbers, taken...

Medsci Fc
  • Education
| September 26, 2018

Medical Sciences Program among most respected in nation

By Alex Branch   The ambivalence Sohail Siraj initially felt in college showed in the grades he earned his freshman and sophomore years at Texas A&M University. MS in Medical Sciences  Learn more about admissions requirements, curriculum and application process....

Tourn Fc
  • Education
| September 25, 2018

Tourniquet training that stops bleeding and saves lives

By Alex Branch Medical student Joshua Pavlik knows the value of a tourniquet in preventing someone from bleeding to death. The former U.S. Army Special Forces medic used them to save...