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Barker Fc
  • Our People
| September 5, 2018

National honors for a UNTHSC resident

By Alex Branch   Matthew Barker, DO, a fourth-year resident at UNT Health Science Center, was named the 2018 Outstanding Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) Resident of the Year by two national osteopathic medical organizations. The American Academy of Osteopathy and...

Steth Fc
  • Education
| September 4, 2018

A heartfelt gift from father to son

By Alex Branch   Each of the six stethoscopes that William Thomas Jr., DO, has sponsored for first-year medical students at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine are special to him. But a stethoscope he funded this year has extra...

Walters Fc
  • Our People
| August 31, 2018

Dr. Scott Walters named UNT System Regents Professor

By Sally Crocker For nearly 20 years, Dr. Scott Walters has served others in extraordinary ways through research, teaching, scholarship, community service and contributions to the public good. In recognition of his work and its impact, the UNT System Board...

Sheiffield Fc
  • Education
| August 30, 2018

State Rep. J.D. Sheffield, DO, honored for distinguished service

By Alex Branch   J.D. Sheffield, DO, an alumnus and member of the Texas House of Representatives, has received the Mary E. Luibel Distinguished Service Award from UNT Health Science Center. Dr. Sheffield (R-Gatesville) was honored during the White Coat...

Ballet Fc
  • Research
| August 29, 2018

The doctors and the dancers

By Jan Jarvis During a break from rehearsals for “Cinderella,” Celeste Gaiera stood still as 37 reflective markers were taped to her torso, legs and head. Then, looking more like a sci-fi character than a ballet dancer, she practiced plies...

Fogelberg Fc
  • Community
| August 28, 2018

Professor demonstrates how educated women can change the world

By Sally Crocker Dr. Katherine Fogelbergand friends are building a school in Kenya. Their mission is to empower girls, to show them that big dreams are achievable and anything...

Whitecoat Fc
  • Education
| August 27, 2018

The next generation of health care providers

By Alex Branch   A new generation of physicians, physical therapists, physician assistants and pharmacists formally began their journey into the health care profession Friday at the UNT Health Science Center White Coat Ceremony. The ceremony is a rite of...

Award Fc
  • Education
| August 23, 2018

National honor for interprofessional medical education in Texas

By Alex Branch   A consortium of health professions institutions that was cofounded by UNT Health Science Center has received national recognition for advancing interprofessional medical education in Texas. The Texas Inteprofessional Education Consortium was awarded honorable mention in July...

Opi Fc
  • Education
| August 23, 2018

For seniors, the growing opioids menace

  One week – that’s how long it can take for a prescription pain killer to turn into an addiction to opioids. Patients believe opioids – a class of pain-killing drugs that can produce morphine-like effects – are safe and...

Austin Fc
  • Education
| August 21, 2018

MPH Online helps inform one doctor’s MD and PhD studies

By Sally Crocker Dr. Austin G. Meyer was already working on both a PhD in biochemistry and a medical degree at other Texas universities when he decided to enroll in UNT Health...