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  • Research
| October 3, 2017

Twenty years of teamwork, then a glaucoma breakthrough

By Jan Jarvis   More than two decades of teamwork between researchers at the University of Iowa and UNT Health Science Center has led to a breakthrough for treating a type of glaucoma that damages the eyesight of millions and...

Autism Research Miller FC
  • Research
| September 28, 2017

Community invited to free autism event at UNTHSC

By Alex Branch   The nation’s largest autism research and advocacy organization will hold a free community science event that is open to the public Wednesday, Oct. 4, at UNT Health Science Center. Autism Research Series: Discovery to Solutions When:...

knebl FC
  • Patient Care
| September 28, 2017

An advocate for better geriatric care

By Jan Jarvis   Janice Knebl, DO, recently focused attention on the shortage of health care professionals trained to meet the growing elderly population when she testified at the U.S. Capitol before the Congressional Sub-Committee on Health. But Dr. Knebl’s...

Shiv FC
  • Education
| September 26, 2017

UNTHSC student honored by American Public Health Association

By Sally Crocker   Perhaps the main reason that UNT Health Science Center student Shivani Goswami was selected as this year’s Barbara Starfield Medical Scholar by the American Public Health Association (APHA) is because of her desire to build a...

Harvey FC
  • Education
| September 22, 2017

Editorial questions measurement frequently used in population health studies

By Sally Crocker In a new American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) editorial, a UNT Health Science Center professor challenges a conventional research formula for measuring the health of populations, calling the...

Gabby FC
  • Research
| September 21, 2017

A better way to treat back pain

By Jan Jarvis Almost everyone suffers low back pain at some point in their lives. The question is how to relieve it. Researchers at UNT Health Science Center are working to find the answer. By analyzing the DNA of low...

Goldman Scholar
  • Education
| September 20, 2017

Goldman scholarship ‘means the world’ to driven student

By Jan Jarvis   Sarah Edwards has always ridden her bicycle everywhere – to high school classes and later college, to part-time jobs and everywhere else. She has no driver’s license and few options. “We’ve never really had a car,”...

  • Research
| September 14, 2017

Examining prevalence of Alzheimer’s in Mexican-Americans

By Jan Jarvis   One of the largest and most comprehensive studies ever conducted in the United States involving Mexican-Americans and Alzheimer’s disease is underway at UNT Health Science Center. Interested in learning how to be a study participant? Call 817-735-2963...

Publichealth FC
  • Our People
| September 14, 2017

A passion for public health

By Sally Crocker The School of Public Health was in its infancy when Lilly Ramphal-Naley, MD, MPH, joined as adjunct faculty in 2000. The school had been officially founded just one year before at UNT Health Science Center. Accreditation by...

Art FC
  • Community
| September 14, 2017

Students transform seniors’ lives with art and music

By Cari Hyden   Mrs. Jones, a resident at Westmore Senior Living, wouldn’t leave her room and spent her days largely “staring at the walls.” But a class led by a UNTHSC student transformed her life and added a spark...